Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Math and Social Studies sure do mix!

One major platform for Social Studies is the understanding of how economics are an important factor in any era of history.  The 5th Grade class was able to display their ability to work with money in Social Studies.  As part of the unit on the American Revolution, they learned about the hardships faced by the troops and army regimens during the war.  Battalions often faced profiteering, where merchants charged inflated prices for goods the soliders desperately needed.
Students were given different scenarios where they had the opportunity to purchase multiple goods on a limited budget while using "Continentals", the colonial currency during the Revolutionary War.  They were to decide what their troops needed the most while heading south to the Carolinas after winter.  One group realized they could sell their Winter coats due to being in a warmer climate.  Thus they were able to gain additional money to spend and were able to buy additional supplies.  The class then presented their math problems to the class and presented their spending scenarios while arguing why their plan was the best.  A fun, engaging and real life activity the students thouroughly enjoyed!

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