Monday, January 28, 2013

This Week--January 28-31

As you already know, our field trip to the Dunes was cancelled.  We are working to reschedule the trip and engage in the learning process that this activity will offer.

For the remainder of this week, specifically Tuesday and Wednesday we will work on a couple of activities.  Tomorrow is a B Day, but we will work on doing research for the History Fair.  On Wednesday, we will do a lab continuing our quest to find out more about the importance of rocks and minerals.

Please try to get your History Fair topics in tomorrow and also turn in your Current Events #5, which is based on New Technology.

Please post comments at the bottom and I will respond as soon as I can.

Mr. Parsons

Sunday, January 20, 2013

This Week

6th Grade students have only two assignments for the week.  The first is to come up with a topic for the Chicago History Fair by Friday.  The second, and this only applies if you are in S.T.E.M. class, is to bring materials for the Mouse Trap Cars for class on Tuesday and Wednesday.  The mousetraps are purchased and I have plenty of other supplies to use in class.  Please let me know if you need me to get you supplies so I can purchase them tomorrow.  Enjoy the day off and try to remember why we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Humanities Assignment-Chapter 4, Secion 1

Humanities Section 1 Assignment
Pick one of the 2 topics
·        Create a detailed map that shows the territory the Greeks once controlled
o   Compare the current map of the Mediterranean world to the trade routes of ancient Greece
o    List what current countries exist today that Greece once traded with

·          Choose one passage from this section: example, The Polis, pages 122-123
o   Write a paragraph to explain how something in this section connects to something you already know about ancient history
o   Do you see any similarities with past groups?  Please explain using evidence

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Humanities Assignment

I hope you are all excited about starting our new unit on ancient Greece "If You Build It, They Will Come"

Your first assignment is as follows and is due Friday:

Humanities Assignment
Television documentaries sometimes describe the exciting finds made by archaeologists
·      You are to create a written documentary that should be at least 4 sentences
·      This should announce a new documentary on Greek discoveries
·      Your description should make people want to watch your show!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Welcome Back

Welcome Back to all of my wonderful 6th graders!

Here is what is on tap for this week

  • Humanities project on Ancient Israelites is due on Tuesday
  • Please bring Humanities and Science materials to class everyday.
  • You will be getting your own individual Earth Science book in the next week to take home with you when necessary
  • We will be discussing History Fair and I will be sending a packet home in the next or so
    • Our topics will be very specific
  • We are starting 2 new units this week
    • Let's Rock!    This will cover rocks and minerals
    • If You Build It, They Will Come   This will span 2 chapters and focus on Ancient Greece